Saturday, May 26, 2012

Earn money without working???

Wanna earn some extra money without working??? I can show you how... just follow the text and everything will be revealed...

This business is called JustBeenPaid, and its not HYIP, it is an investing/marketing program that is made to last. The most important factor of JBP is it’s indefinite sustainability, so you can ‘invest’ with complete confidence knowing you will not be scammed… (again). This is an investing site in which you are given 10$ for free to start building your business. Yes, FOR FREE. But you must know that is the loan that you are given by the site, that loan will be taken back after 50 days, this site is not some magic “free money” machine, it is a serious business so of course you will need to invest your money. If you don’t have any you can earn it online, check end of this page. With proper management you can build your business with JBP that could provide you with thousands of dollars per month. You won’t find an easier, faster, legal way way to make money on or off the Net. I’m happy to refer people to JBP and of course willing to help my referrals.
Proof that it is completely legit:


JustBeenPaid  operates for a year and a half by now and it is in the top 1000 web pages in the world, that means that system functions and that it is paying because there is a continuous monthly growth.

What you need to do?
I don’t want to fry your brain cells at the start but honestly I only spend five minutes a day to make a decent living….and its so damn easy ANYBODY CAN DO IT. Remember, this is an investing business, you just have to manage your money and gain more. You don’t need to call anyone or sell anything. You don’t need to bother family or friends to refer them. You don’t have to read pages and pages of marketing material or watch hours of ‘how to’ videos. NO WORK REQUIRED. You literally do nothing but five minutes of admin a day and watch the dollars roll in. You only have to be responsible towards your business, JBP is a serious business and if you treat it like a business it will pay you as a business, if you treat it like a toy – it will break. So just be responsible, do the small steps and you will be successful with JBP.
How to start?
1. Go to
2. Scroll half way down and click on: “Click Here And Join JustBeenPaid! for FREE Now!”
3. Fill in and register (use yahoo or gmail) & confirm your email (verification email will be sent)
4. Log in & on the left upper side you will see “JSS Tripler” (blue color),go
there and Confirm Your JSS-Tripler Membership , Hit submit at the bottom and Enter the JSS-Tripler Member area
5. Go to “Positions”, click on “Buy New Position” and buy 1 Tripler position by investing the free 10$.
The 10$ loan will give you 20 cents per day for 75 days.
After 50 days you will have 10$ in your account..after 75 days you will have 15$. Don’t forget to invest it. That 10$ is your money for free. You should buy another position every time you have 10$. If you have 2 positions you earn 0.40$ per day, if you have 3 positions you earn 0.60$ and so on so you compound your earnings with time or right away with your investing. And that’s not everything, every fourth position that cycles out (expires giving you 15$) gets you one JSS position which is worth 60$ when it cycles out! Referral system is excellent, you get 1 dollar from your referral when he buys one position, and 0.5$ from your referral’s referral. Soon you could earn hundreds of dollars per day. But remember, after ~50 days site will take their 10$ back so you’ll need to invest your money, 5$ at least if you want your business to continue growing.

If you are not ready to invest even such a small amount and you expect huge profits from thin air please don’t even register and forget about this program, don’t waste your time, and don’t waste my time either.

So, what you get is:

* You earn 2% per day or 60% per month by purchasing positions worth $10.
*You can buy up to 250 positions per hour and up to 500 positions per day.
*The total cash earnings per position is $15 or 150% for 75 days.
* When every 4th position expires you get 1 JSS position which will give you 60$ once it cycles.
*Sponsor people to earn 10% referral bonuses on the first level and 5% on the second.
* Use daily compounding to increase your earnings.
* Make daily withdrawals to get your money out.
* All members who create their JSS Tripler accounts for the first time GET “$10 FREE
MONEY” in their JSS Tripler accounts TO START EARNING. Note, the loan will be taken back after 50 days.
* Yes, $0 expense. So, NO RISK.

Maybe you find this a bit confusing, but in short:
With just 100$ of investment over the course of 1 year, you could earn up to 200 dollars PER DAY, see exactly how much you can earn by using special calculator here:
So yeah, with jbp THIS TIME NEXT YEAR YOU ARE GOING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE. (well if not that at least you will be financially free which is our primary goal, not bad a?)
Withdraw is possible through 4 payment processors: Payza (ex AlertPay), SolidTrustPay, Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money. Get your FREE payment processor here:

You can request withdrawals at any time. They are paid daily, usually within 24-36 hours.

You don’t have anything to lose, you can only regret not trying.
If you need help to learn how to fund your JBP account please watch this video:
For more clear explanation of how JBP really works please watch this video:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Basic jobs - Twitter

Добропознатиот Twitter кој се васа со Facebook, исто така ни нудат работи поврзани со него. Се разбира треба да имате ваш профил на Twitter кој е ЈАВЕН (Public) и може да го види секој.

Пример: Twitter Follow: Psdbucket

What was expected?
1. Go to
2. Follow psdbucket on twitter

If you will like our website ( , you can register for free and post your design work

Click +1 or tweet any post.

Required proof that task was finished

1. Your twitter ID

Ваша задача е да го следите следниот профил на Twitter. Едноставно, го отварате линкот што е даден и кликате на копчето Follow. Тоа што во Optional е по Ваша желба!

Како доказ Вие само го поставувате вашето корисничко име од Twitter.

1. Вашето корисничко име 

Други работи кои постојат за Twitter се да направите Tweet, Retweet, да постирате линк (Tweet)... Сите се работаат на ваков принцип.

Значи сите сега профили на Twitter и работајте ;)

Basic jobs - Reddit

Reddit е страница за некакво си Upvote, нешто како гласање на статии. Можете да си отворите профил на нивната страница ( и да ги работите овие работи.

Пример: Reddit: 3 Politics Stories

What was expected?
1. Go to
2. Click the link for "Politics"
3. Upvote 3 of the top 6 stories (be random - don't just upvote the top 3)

Do not comment.

Required proof that task was finished

1. Reddit Username

Што се прави тука? Се отвара линкот што ви е даден и го барате зборчето Politics кое е линк до Reddit статии. Веќе логирани, таму гледате дека има Стрелка за нагоре и Стрелка за надолу. Вие нормално кликате на Стрелката за нагоре на 3 статии.

Како доказ го поставувате вашето корисничко име во следниов формат:

1. Вашето корисничко име

Лесна работа, но ако не реагирате побрзо, може да биде паузирана. Затоа, прво корисничкото име, па после стискајте на Стрелката за нагоре ;)

Basic jobs - Rewrite Article

Интересна, но многу досадна работа која одзема доста време. Но, затоа пак е многу повеќе платена од другите!

Пример: Rewrite Article: Computer Recycling Business

What was expected?
Added by Microworkers:
Do not accept this job if your written english is not perfect.

1. Read and rewrite every paragraph in the following article
You need to rewrite each paragraph separately. Treat each paragraph as if it were a separate article. Final text must have 250-300 words. No copy-pasting of any kind (it needs to be in your own words). The grammar and the English need to be good (use commas please).

Here is the article:

Everyone seems to have a computer today. People didn't have so many computers back then. Even little kids have PC’s today. About ten years ago, people needed to pay a lot of money to buy these things. However, they are so cheap today. You can easily buy a PC for a small amount of money. It used to cost three times more in the not so distant past. I don’t know anyone without a PC today.

So many people are getting rid of their computers. You can buy the best PC today and you can already see that a better one has entered the market in a matter of weeks. People tend to buy new computers all the time. The problem for most people is getting rid of the old ones. People don’t like to buy used computers since they know that they will be able to buy new ones for a small amount of cash.

How can you make money off of these excess PC’s? You can start a computer recycling business. The good news about computers is that many of their parts can easily be recycled and used again in different forms. You could make a lot of money this way because there are so many used computers out there. You would not have problems with finding used PC’s which people want to get rid of.

How can you tell people that they can bring their used stuff to you? You can start advertising it. You can tell people that you are ready to take their used PC’s. You can make an ad over the internet. You need to tell people that they can give you any kind of PC and you will take care of it. You can even pay some money for better computers which are actually worth something.

That’s how you start a recycling business. Good luck with this interesting business venture.

Required proof that task was finished

1. Paste the final text here. Separate the paragraphs.

Ваша задача е да овој текст го напишете по ваше. Не да го препишете истиот! Значи еве пример како може да биде преправен првиот пасус:

Nowadays everyone have a computer. Years back, people didn’t have too many computers. Now, every kid has its own PC. Ten years ago, nobody was paying a lot of money to buy PC’s. These days, PC’s are cheaper and everyone can afford them. You can buy a new PC for a cheap price. Its cost was three times more in the recent past. I don’t know any person that is without PC today.

Работодавачот од Вас бара уникатен текст, затоа и плаќа повеќе од обично. Затоа, тие што знаат повеќе англиски им е полесно да го направат ова.

Вакви работи имам преку 20 направено кои носат од 0.90$-1.50$. Само 2-3 ми имаат одбиено, кога од поспаност граматички грешки сум правел.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Basic jobs - Digg

Digg е некаква си социјална страница која ги впива страниците. Како што викаат Американците "I Digg this", ние викаме го дексам, ми се допаѓа и сл...

Пример: Digg: Dental Health

What was expected?
1. Go to
2. Submit the URL displayed on this page to Digg

Bookmarks must be permanent

Required proof that task was finished

1. Your Digg profile URL 

За оваа работа Ви е потребен Digg профил ( Поврзете го со Facebook, направете нов, Ваше си е...

Го копирате линкот и на страницата од Digg кликнувате на Submit Link. Кога ќе се отвори страницата, одете само Digg... (друг начин нема)

Како доказ го поставувате линкот од Вашиот профил:


Basic jobs - Youtube

Youtube работите можат да бидат од секаков тип. Коментирање, следење на канал (subscribe), Rate (like) на клипче и креирање на акаунт.

Пример: Youtube: Comment + Rate

What was expected?
You must have a profile picture in your Youtube account to accept this job.

1. Go to
2. Skip ad
3. Leavee a positive comment (at least 7 words) related to this video. Do not comment like "nice one," "great video," "thanks for sharing," etc. Spam/ poor English comments will be rejected

4. Go to
5. Skip ad
6. Like the video

Required proof that task was finished

1. Your Youtube Username
2. Your Youtube profile link
3. Copy/paste your comment here

За оваа задача (и за сите други) МОРА да имате профил на Го отварате линкот што е даден. Ја прескокнувате рекламата кога ќе се појави Skip Ad знакот. Поставувате коментар на англиски, било каков. Немора да го изгледате клипот за да пишете "Good video, I like it very much!", нели? :) Го отварате вториот линк на исти принцип и стискате на копчето Like што се наоѓа веднаш под екранчето каде што е видео клипот пуштен.

Како доказ на оваа работа поставувате:

1. Вашето корисничко име од Youtube
2. Линк до вашиот канал
3. Го залепувате вашиот коментар под овој број

Другите работи можат да бараат само да поставите коментар, да го следите каналот, да притиснете Like на видео клипот и се завршуваат на исти принцип...